Speech Therapy Software Games Activities Materials and Learning Tools

Fun Ways to Help Children Communicate and Speak Effectively
Designed by a Speech Therapist - Research Based Speech Therapy Computer Software


Speech Games

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help your children to improve their speech skills in a fun way.

Speech Therapist

Motivate and engage your clients.


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More about Ela Britchkow

I am a Speech-Language Pathologist with over 30 years of experience. To bring energy and creativity to speech therapy, I produce speech therapy articulation software, activities and games for children, their parents and speech therapists.

My articulation software uniquely blends research based speech therapy techniques with interactive engaging stories for children. Kids love experiencing therapy with a computer and interacting with the characters in the Say it Best stories. They find it a fun way to learn. As a speech therapist, I find the change in approach refreshing and I feel rewarded by the progress clients make mastering their articulation sounds. Typically, I use the Say it Best software for about half the session and I find children enjoy going over the stories repeatedly in subsequent sessions.

In addition, my programs include downloadable activities and games and even a video link in which I offer advice on teaching that targeted sound. A great feature is the option of using a headset/microphone. Kids love hearing their own voices which are presented with a slight delay to enhance self correction of their responses. The price is very comparatively affordable and a full value. We have chosen on each program to avoid dealing with a lot of sounds superficially and have concentrated our efforts to competently teaching well the specific sound the program teaches.

The programs have three different levels (word, phrase, sentences) and allow children to proceed at their own pace. The directions are user friendly, easy, clear, understandable and allow the child and parent, therapist or teacher to concentrate on learning while having fun interacting with the software. It provides a great way to reinforce the target sounds at home, that the speech therapist is working on at school. The programs are designed for Window PCs, and can be used on the go with later models of Android and Blackberry.

Say it Best programs are appropriate for children who need assistance mastering a particular articulation sound, those who are developmentally delayed, for children on the Autism Spectrum, have speech sounds disorders and apraxia, for fluency skills, and for teaching English as a second language. The program also enhances expressive language skills, memory and auditory processing. The children learn to respond to “wh” questions such as: what, who, where, when, why. If they miss what was said in the story line, they can press the repeat button and hear it again. We also produce a board game the Wheel of Action that teaches mastery of action verbs.





Training Videos. Click the Movie Reel to see the training video.
The F Sound. The Phil and Fanny Game helps with the F sound. The TS Sound. Frits and Tootsie Game helps with the TS sound. The R Sound. Rachel and the Ring Game helps with the R sound. The S Sound. Sophie and Sam Game helps with the S sound.
F Sound Video
F Sound Video
F Sound Video
F Sound Video
Apraxia | Articulation | Disorder | Dysarthria | Stuttering | Voice Conditions